November 6, 2002Former DEATH/CONTROL DENIED and current TESTAMENT/SADUS bassist Steve DiGiorgio has released an update on his official web site on the status of the much-anticipated SUICIDE SHIFT project (featuring DiGiorgio, SADUS guitarist Darren Travis, and TESTAMENT frontman Chuck Billy) and the possibility of a second CONTROL DENIED album ever seeing the light of day.
"I know there has been a lot of questions regarding the SUICIDE SHIFT album," writes DiGiorgio. "Well, here's the circumstances that are effecting that. First, SADUS decided to wake up, we did a small tour of Europe. I must say it was a total success, thanks to all the old-school metal heads that came out again after all these years and made our trip a blast. Then when we got back, TESTAMENT decided to go show crazy! We played the Bone Bash at the Concord Pavilion a couple days ago. And we're getting ready for a lot more live action, including Dec 29th in Las Vegas with Rob Halford (holy shit!) and VIO-LENCE and EXODUS or somebody. There'll be a lot more shows around the whole western side of The States, but nothing is confirmed enough right now for me to divulge. But you can tell with that amount of traveling and rehearsing we just locked up the SS recording machine for now and when we find some cracks in this wall of projects we've made for ourselves, we'll get back to it.
"CONTROL DENIED: Nothing yet. Still, and to clear up the rumor mill. [Late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED mastermind] Chuck [Schuldiner] has recorded guitar. How much, we don't know exactly. On a guess based on our conversations when he was recording, there is a significant amount he got to finish. But I'll repeat, no one knows how much he managed to finish because he was the last one to shut off his recording machine and now it's in the possession of his family. If there happens to be something left he wanted to put on there, [CONTROL DENIED guitarist] Shannon [Hamm] is more than competent. The drums are the only thing that are done. We'll see how much Chuck finished when we can. Shannon has all his guitar to do, I still have all the bass to do and Tim still has all the vocals to do. When his family clears up details on when and how we can finish all of that, we will. But all this speculating on if Chuck finished the guitars, if he did his solos, if Shannon has to do all Chuck's unfinished parts...it's useless because we don't even know for sure yet what we're going to do. You should just know that we're going to keep as much as we can that Chuck did (duh!) and that when we get the word to proceed, we will. Other than that, there's nothing to say. Makes me start to understand why Chuck hated this medium that allows such rapid wildfire of false information."