SUBLIMINAL CRUSHER: New Song Available For Download

November 27, 2008

"Later", a new song from the Italian death metal band SUBLIMINAL CRUSHER, is available for free download at this location. The track comes off the group's new album, "Endvolution", which came out on November 20 through Punishment 18 Records. The CD, produced by the members of SUBLIMINAL CRUSHER themselves, was recorded and mixed by HwK at HwK Industries in Spoleto (PG, Italy),with the exception of the drum tracks, which were laid down at Lightless Studios (TR, Italy) by former guitarist Elvys Damiano. The record was mastered by Göran Finnberg (IN FLAMES, OPETH, DIMMU BORGIR) at The Mastering Room AB in Göteborg, Sweden.

"Endvolution" track listing:

01. Preface
02. Just All I Want
03. Bored
04. Later
05. The Visionaire Pt.1: Desert Chains/Liberation
06. The Promise
07. Life Arises
08. Wellness Perfection
09. Endvolution
10. The Visionaire Pt.2: The Darkest Vision

"Endvolution" features a very special guest guitar solo by Christofer Malmström (DARKANE, NON-HUMAN LEVEL, AGRETATOR) in the song "The Visionaire Pt.1". In addition, the CD features double artwork. The official one, entitled "Evolution" and created by HwK, is included throughout the entire booklet and is joined with the second artwork, entitled "Monkey" and created by Spoon Graphics, namely Patrick "Pat Splat" Sporrong (F.K.U.).

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