TED NUGENT Endorses 'Gun Nut' Ice Cream

October 7, 2003

WorldNetDaily.com reports that Ted Nugent, rock musician, avid outdoorsman and defender of gun rights, has come out in support of "Gun Nut" ice cream, a new flavor unveiled by a company billing itself as "the conservative alternative to liberal Ben & Jerry's."

Star Spangled Ice Cream Company announced the new partnership Monday (October 6) in a statement.

"Star Spangled Ice Cream, the ice cream with a conservative flavor, is proud that Ted Nugent had endorsed our newest politically incorrect flavor, Gun Nut," said company Vice President Richard Lessner. "Ted Nugent is a great defender of the people's right to bear arms. We believe Gun Nut is a perfect complement to the wild-game recipes in Ted's best-selling cookbook, 'Kill It and Grill It'."

Nugent recently made news with the announcement of a new reality TV show, "Surviving Nugent", where contestants test their endurance while living off the land on the rocker's rural spread.

"This ice cream is awesome!" Nugent is quoted as saying on the company's web site. "After I kill it and grill it, I plan to finish my feast with a bowl of Gun Nut!"

The new flavor is described as "coconut almond chip."

According to the statement, the company has partnered with Nugent and Gun Owners of America in the promotion of Gun Nut. The firm plans to donate $1 from the sale of each quart of Gun Nut to the educational work of the Gun Owners Foundation Gun Safety Project. Nugent, who heads United Sportsmen of America, works closely with GOA.

Star Spangled Ice Cream Company sells its product via its web site. Besides Gun Nut, flavors include I Hate the French Vanilla, Nutty Environmentalist, Iraqi Road and Smaller Govern-mint. Star Spangled donates 10 percent of the profits from the sale of its original four flavors to charities supporting the U.S. Armed Forces.

In the statement, the company made a point to note who was not endorsing the new ice cream flavor: "Among the celebrity non-endorsers of Gun Nut are Barbra Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Alec Baldwin, Al Franken, Al Gore, Michael Moore and THE DIXIE CHICKS."

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