TESTAMENT: More Information Revealed About Upcoming Benefit Concert
May 24, 2005TESTAMENT and friends will be playing a benefit concert on July 9, 2005 at The Pound in San Francisco. Proceeds from the show — the band's first in the San Francisco area in over two years — will aid in the financial recovery for families dealing with life-altering medical diagnosis. Among the families that will benefit from the concert are Keith and Brandy Regan, who had a son (Cole Regan) who was born with cancer (leukemia / AML) and survived up until three months short of his second birthday before passing away on July 28, 2004. Although insurance covered the bulk of the costs, it did not cover living expenses or co-pays. Cole's medical bills reached $4 million dollars, which was paid by their insurance. What people don't expect are the co-pays that reached over $90,000. "When you have an infant fighting for his life everyday, you have no option but to live in the hospital," stated Keith. Keith and Brandy Regan moved into the hospital on December 20, 2002 and never left until August 20, 2003. Keith and Brandy used up their entire savings, 401k, maxed their credit cards, took out two personal loans to keep a roof over their head and the bills paid. In the meantime, one parent worked while the other stayed at the hospital. Keith and Brandy lived paycheck to paycheck, which was never enough. Although Cole passed last July, the family has received an additional $40,000 in medical bills, which did not include the initial co-pays due prior.
The show will also be helping other families who have been diagnosed with a life-altering medical diagnosis and are in severe need of help. These families who will be receiving help are families who have children with pediatric cancer. These families struggle on a daily basis to pay for medicine, gas and co-pays and to keep their hopes and futures alive while battling to keep their child alive.
Commented Keith Regan: "I want to thank everyone for coming together for this special event. Myself being a Bay Area music fan for many years, I'm so grateful and privileged to have so many people come together for a great cause. Thank you all so much."
For more information on the upcoming benefit concer, click here.