The Man Behind The Black/Death Metal Logo

November 26, 2008

Vice magazine recently conducted an interview with Christophe Szpajdel who in the last 20 years has drawn more than 7,000 logos, mostly for black and death metal bands from all over the world, including EMPEROR, MOONSPELL, NACHTMYSTIUM and ENTHRONED. A couple of excerpts from the question-and-answer session follow below.

Vice: So, Christophe Szpajdel, we hear that you're the master of black-metal logos. But who are you, really?

Christophe: I am 37 years old, I come from Belgium but I live in Exeter, Devon, in the UK. In the last 20 years I have drawn more than 7,000 logos, mostly for black- and death-metal bands from all over the world, including EMPEROR, MOONSPELL, NACHTMYSTIUM, and ENTHRONED.

Vice: So you work in forestry engineering. Isn't it contradictory to work for the protection of the environment while at the same time supporting music that wishes to lay waste to the earth until it's a stinking heap of sulfur and bones?

Christophe: I wouldn't say so. In fact, it is some kind of a yin-yang. There are bands that make extreme music but lyrically deal with the purity of nature. They offer the perfect fusion between my fascination with nature — especially mountains — and metal. But a lot of extreme metal bands deal with the destruction of mankind, which I think is needed. Maybe not a complete destruction, but at least a drastic cull. Our streets need to be cleared of all the scumbags walking on them.

Read the entire interview from Vice magazine.

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