THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE Launches Fundraising Campaign

February 14, 2013

Pennsylvania metal act THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE has launched an Indiegogo campaign to try and stay on the road. The band, which is currently between tours supporting its recently released LP, "Dead Years", explains in a statement: "We are THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE, an internationally touring band from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. On our way home from our 30th U.S. tour at about 3:00 a.m., our van lit on fire and we broke down at a rest stop an hour away from home. After waiting 8 hours, we found someone to pick up and our trailer up and take us home while our van was towed to a garage. After inspecting the van, we were notified that it was far beyond repairable.

"For any of you who have never followed us in the past, last winter we broke down in Canada and spent over $3K rebuilding our fuel pump, which took over a week. We spent that week hopping from trains, vans, taxis and fans cars from show to show so that we didn't have to cancel any dates on the tour.

"Unfortunately, at this time, with buying flights to Europe and dealing with other debts and personal expenses, we simply cannot afford to buy a new van. So we are asking our fans to help with donations that all will go towards getting us a new van to get back on tour and promote our new album 'Dead Years' even more.

"We put together a great list of incentives to say thank you for your help. We will also be filming a web documentary about the band and the life of being a touring musician as well as a music video for the song "Americans" where we will be BLOWING UP our old van.

"If you are unable to help us financially, Indiegogo has great tools that help you share our cause with your friends, which is just as big of a help to us. Through your donations and promotion we can get a new vehicle and get back on the road and continue touring.

"We really cannot express how much we appreciate all of your help."

"Hate The Ones You Love", the new video from THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE, can be seen below. Directed by David Brodsky of Brooklyn's MyGoodEye Music Visuals (HELLYEAH, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, GOATWHORE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, SUFFOCATION),the clip is about a group of young post-society survivors unable to cope with the task of killing a stranger who wanders into their territory. All of their coping mechanisms start to unravel.

"Dead Years", the third album from the THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE, sold around 1,600 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 14 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.

"Dead Years" was released in Europe on September 24, 2012 via Lifeforce Records. Produced by Andreas Magnusson (THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, HASTE THE DAY),the CD was made available in North America one day later through eOne Music.

THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE is: Rick Armellino (vocals),Jack Esbenshade (guitar),Matthew Marcellus (bass, vocals) and Rodney Phillips (guitar, vocals).

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