TOM MORELLO: 'Standing Up For Those That Are Most In Need Has Always Been A Part Of My DNA'

December 7, 2024

During an appearance on the December 2 episode of "Whiplash", the KLOS radio show hosted by Full Metal Jackie, Tom Morello, the guitarist, songwriter and political activist who's known for his work with RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, AUDIOSLAVE and for his solo act, spoke about his passion for fusing music with his profound sense of social justice. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I was an activist before I was a guitar player. I didn't start playing guitar until I was 17, and I was already getting in trouble for my student activism at 16.

"Really, my political education did not begin with any books," he explained. "It began with being the only black kid in an all-white town and some of the racial injustice I felt on the playground from a very, very early age. But also my mom, Mary Morello, who is a 101 years old and is a co-host on my own radio show, we have very different politics… I grew up in a very conservative, homogenous conservative suburb in northern Illinois, and the politics in my home were very different from the politics in the community. It really helped me sort of get a juxtaposition. My mom had lived in many places around the world, and as a single mom, public high school teacher, we had very humble means, but from her kind of coal-mining ancestors in Illinois to the African liberation struggles she had seen and been a part of on the African continent, it was a very different set of like rules and regulations in my house. And I've always thought that standing up for the poor, standing up for the oppressed — also from my Catholic upbringing, too, there was also a strong liberation theology elements of always standing up for those that are most in need has always kind of been a part of my DNA and I've tried to work it into my vocation… I didn't choose to be a guitar player; that chose me. So I was stuck with that. I had to find a way to weave my convictions into my vocation."

Tom was the sole member of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE who attended the band's Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony in November 2023 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's Rock Hall induction came after the band appeared on six ballots.

In October 2022, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE canceled its North American tour, three months after singer Zack De La Rocha severed his left Achilles tendon, leaving a mere eight inches of the tendon intact.

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's comeback tour, which was first announced in 2019 and then delayed several times due to the pandemic, marked the first time the reunited rap-metal quartet had hit the road together since 2011.

During a press conference at this past June's Hellfest in Clisson, France, Morello spoke about why he has spent his career not only making music but also making a difference in the lives of others. He said: "Across 21 records, there's really one message that is a thread through all of my music, and that is that the world is not going to change itself. That is up to you. And by you, I literally mean you — the people watching on your thing and your thing; that's how the world changes. And sometimes it seems like this sort of monolithic problem that we'll never be able to get past and the world cannot be changed or the worst people are the ones in charge, and they often are. But you are not witnesses to history; you are agents of history. History is not something that happened; it's something you make. Whenever there has been a progressive radical, even revolutionary positive change for the better, it's come from people who are no different than anyone in this room or any of the audiences that you're writing for or that your videos are for. Once you have that realization that you do have your hands on the wheel of history and of this planet, and if you wanna make it a more peaceful, a more just, a more equitable, a more anti-racist, a more environmentally sound place, there's no one to blame if it doesn't happen but you for not standing up."

Morello, who has repeatedly said that social change has always been his main motivation for making music, also talked about where he finds the inspiration for his songwriting in a world that is increasingly divided.

"At any given historical moment, you stand in the place where you live and you stand in the place where you were," he explained. "That's it. So some people are, like, 'You guys made RAGE records 30 years ago, and now look at the horrible state of the world.' Imagine what it would be like if we didn't make RAGE records 30 years ago. At every moment, you do what you can, when you can, where you can. That's the way that I look at it. And the arc of history is a long one, and there are very, very challenging times now certainly in my country, and I know here as well. And in part, literally the fate of the planet is at stake over the course of the next few decades. So it's time for metalheads to get their shit together."

Asked if he sometimes feels overwhelmed by everything that is going on in the world, Tom said: "It is overwhelming. And from the climate stuff to Gaza, there's a lot. But what I look at is, like, today I'm gonna do everything I can to do several things. One is to be to play the best guitar I can, to sing the best I can, to have my band, the FREEDOM FIGHTER ORCHESTRA, deliver the goods in a way that is gonna be a compelling and artistically meaningful moment. And if I do that right, the message that rides on that is gonna touch somebody. Now there's 70,000 people out there [at this year's Hellfest]. I don't know if it touches seven of them, or 7,000 of them, or whatever, but I know that over the course of 30 years, doing that, the thing I just described to you, has had repercussions far beyond what I ever imagined it could."

When one reporter suggested that there is no hope for humanity amid a barrage of global crises, with war, famine and disease threatening global peace, Tom said: "Well, first of all, I disagree with you there's no hope. I would say, though, to not be so… the one option that I might suggest is to not be so wrapped up in being pure that it stops you from acting. If you drink a Pepsi, you're not going to hell because you've supported some corporation. What is important to do, change comes from below — real meaningful change comes from below. It always has. People organize, and the world changes. These are really difficult times that we're in. The planet has been in difficult times before — sometimes as dire as, or more dire than this. And when it has come out on the right side of history, it's because people just like you, even in times when they could despair, didn't despair. That's how the world changes. This is a dire historical moment, but it is not a unique historical moment. And the way I look at it, I'm stuck being a guitar player. I'm cursed. It's my calling. I didn't choose it; it chose me. So now I've gotta find some way to win to bend this weird hobby that I picked up as a teenager and try to change the fucking world with it. And it's not easy, but wherever you are and whatever your job is, whatever your life is, whether it's standing up to illegitimate authority in your home, your place of work, your school, your country, or whatever, like I said before, history is not something that happens. It's something that we make. So I would encourage you and your listeners, or whatever, to not despair — to act."

In June, Tom released his new solo single, "Soldier In The Army Of Love". The song, which was co-written with his "guitar wizard son" Roman Morello, was described by Tom as "a generational rock anthem from the Morellos." "Soldier In The Army Of Love" is the lead single from Tom's first-ever full-length solo rock album, due next year.

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