TOOL Singer: PRESIDENT BUSH Has Made The World More Dangerous

November 1, 2004

Launch Radio Networks is reporting that Maynard James Keenan of TOOL and A PERFECT CIRCLE appears on two politically oriented Election Day albums tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 2) — APC's "eMOTIVe", and as one of the performers on the "Axis Of Justice Concert Series Volume 1". Keenan said he feels the world is a more dangerous place than it was four years ago, and he blames the Bush administration. "They've had four years to reunite this country and show them that they do have good intentions," he told Launch. "They keep trying to say the world's safer without Saddam (Hussein),but it's not. They've fostered more terrorists, and we've lost control of the north and south of Iraq now. We used to have control of it, with him in power. He was contained. Now it's a mess."

"eMOTIVe" features two APC originals along with covers of political songs by JOHN LENNON, MARVIN GAYE, NICK LOWE, DEPECHE MODE, and others. The first single is a remake of Lennon's "Imagine". Keenan plans to begin working on a new TOOL album next month.

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