TRIBULATION Unveils Music Video For Brand New Single 'Saturn Coming Down'

June 27, 2024

Swedish metallers TRIBULATION have unveiled a brand new single, "Saturn Coming Down" along with a haunting music video. The single reveals a new side of the band while staying true to their dark sound and compelling melodies. The clip was created by Brendan McGowan with assistance from Damón Zurawski.

TRIBULATION guitarist Adam Zaars comments: "'Saturn Coming Down' is a song that creeps up on you and that hopefully gets thoroughly under your skin. It's a taste of the new musical areas we've charted that has taken us to places we've never ventured into before. It's an ode to a very old titan who constantly seems to be lurking behind our backs."

He continues: "As many of you will know, we have always strived to push our own musical boundaries and to let the music change and grow with us, and vice versa, and to carve out our own niche in metal in general and in our own musical landscape in particular. 'Saturn Coming Down' is the next stage in that ongoing process. It's a song about Saturn and our various interpretations and imaginings of him throughout the millennia. Helping us with visualizing this we had the pleasure of working with Brendan McGowan who really outdid himself with this video. We also had help from our friend Damón Zurawski who shot us here in Sweden. We couldn't be happier with the result! Death is the way of the world!"

TRIBULATION will support legendary progressive metal pioneers OPETH on their upcoming North America tour, which will kick off on October 11 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and conclude on Halloween night in San Francisco, California.

TRIBULATION is known for its unique blend of gothic and death metal. Formed in 2005, the band consists of Johannes Andersson (vocals/bass),Adam Zaars (guitar),Joseph Tholl (guitar) and Oscar Leander (drums). They have released several captivating albums during their career and are renowned for their theatrical live performances. "Saturn Coming Down" marks the first release of the band after their 2023 EP "Hamartia", which has achieved critical acclaim after TRIBULATION's award-winning last studio album "Where The Gloom Becomes Sound" in 2021.

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