VINCE NEIL Assaults Soundman In Dallas?
November 1, 2004The following first-hand eyewitness account was filed by Jeff K at JeffK.net:
"All's well that certainly didn't end well Saturday night [Oct. 30] at 93.3 The Bone's Skeleton Ball starring Vince Neil of MÖTLEY CRÜE at Gilley's Dallas. The evening got off to a great start with XES WHISKEY rockin' the house. Spicoli from the 'Big Bone Morning Show' even joined the boys on stage for an amazing rendition of QUIET RIOT's 'Metal Health'. Then came the 'Looks That Kill Costume Contest' with $500 1st Prize being awarded to the guy dressed as a 'used tampon'... Then it came time for the main event.. Vince f'ing Neil baby!! His band was LOUD, his band was TIGHT... and Vince looked GREAT! No more gut, no more double chin, no more teased blond hair... just a lean mean rock machine! He rolled through CRÜE staples like 'Girls, Girls, Girls', 'Don't Go Away Mad', 'Dr. Feelgood', 'Home Sweet Home' and the crowd was in the palm of his hand. All seemed right with Vince's world until the end of the show when Vince decided to pick up his guitar. He then began having issues with the sound man... a sweetheart of a guy named Mike who's been working sound at Gilley's forever. Apparently Vince wasn't pleased with the level or something?.. and he proceeded to throw his guitar down, walk over to the soundboard... LEAP ON TOP of the board... and with what witnesses say was an 'open hand'... Vince BITCHSLAPPED Mike so hard it caused him to fall back and hit his head on the floor. That's when all hell broke loose. Vince left the stage... the Dallas Police stormed the area and the paramedics arrived. SHOW OVER! Needless to say any plans for a 'meet & greet' were scrapped and that was unfortunate news for our radio contest winners.. (not to mention Spicoli who looked like someone just ran over his dog). On the way out of Gilley's I managed to get a brief explanation from Dallas' finest and they told me criminal trespass charges were being brought against Vince and that he's never allowed back on Gilley's property. He was free to leave on his tour bus but Dallas detectives will be following up and he'll be facing a court date in Dallas to address the charges."