VOIVOD Opening For JUDAS PRIEST In Montreal; Video Available

August 13, 2008

Canada's pioneering metal band VOIVOD supported British heavy metal legends JUDAS PRIEST last night (Tuesday, August 12) at Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Fan-filmed video footage of the VOIVOD performance can be viewed below (clips uploaded by YouTube user "gregdarth").

The group's setlist was as follows:

01. Voivod
02. The Prow
03. Tornado
04. Ravenous Medicine
05. The Unknown Knows
06. Brainscan
07. Tribal Conviction
08. Astonomy Domine

Check out photos of the VOIVOD performance at Capitale du Metal.

VOIVOD made its trimphant return to the stage on June 22 in front of 22,500 fans as part of the Heavy MTL festival at Parc Jean-Drapeau in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The group was joined by original bass player Jean-Yves Theriault ("Blacky") for the first time in 17 years. Dan Mongrain from the Quebec band MARTYR, a good friend of the band, played guitar. Songs from the early catalogue were the focus for the Heavy MTL set, including VOIVOD's cover of the PINK FLOYD classic "Astronomy Domine", which closed the show before the band took a bow center stage and shared a group hug.

Check out photos at HeavyMTL.com.

VOIVOD is currently working on its final album using songs left behind by D'Amour, who died in August 2005 from colon cancer.

Jason Newsted is still very much part of the VOIVOD family and is working with the band on the new record along with Jean-Yves Theriault and Eric Forrest. However, Newsted is unable to perform live at this point.

VOIVOD 2008 (photo courtesy of Flickr user "Jazmin$Million"):

Part 1:

Part 2:

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