Watch: PANTERA Joined By Two Irish Preteen Brothers For 'Walk' Performance At U.K.'s DOWNLOAD Festival

June 20, 2024

According to Leitrim Observer, two preteen brothers from Ireland were brought out on stage by PANTERA during the reformed band's June 15 concert at this year's Download festival on Saturday, June 15 at Donington Park, United Kingdom.

Eleven-year-old Caleb and nine-year-old Leon, who hail from Jamestown, a village on the banks of the River Shannon in the south of County Leitrim, came up on stage to sing a few lines of the song "Walk" in front of tens of thousands of fans. They were at the concert with their parents Colin and Paula, who are friends of PANTERA vocalist Philip Anselmo. Leon also got a chance to "interview" Anselmo about PANTERA's recently announced first tour of the U.K. and Ireland in more than 20 years, set to take place in early 2025.

Paula told Leitrim Observer: "We had backstage passes to watch the show from the side of the stage. But unexpectedly Philip pulled the boys out on to the stage for that moment to sing with him. They were very surprised!"

The reformed PANTERA, consisting of classic-lineup members Anselmo and Rex Brown (bass),along with Zakk Wylde (guitar) and Charlie Benante (drums),will follow up its appearance at Download festival with a return trip to the U.K. in February 2025.

The five-show run will kick off at the OVO Hydro arena in Glasgow on February 18 before continuing the following night (February 19) at First Direct Arena in Leeds, a gig at the 3Arena in Dublin on February 21, making a stop at BP Pulse Live in Birmingham on February 23, and concluding at London's OVO Arena Wembley on February 25.

Meet Leon; one of the youngest Housecore Helpers. He's here with the man himself and some big news from Housecore Records and Philip Anselmo, in an exclusive extended interview in which Philip talks about the bands, instruments and movies which keep him motivated.

Posted by Housecore Horror Film Festival on Thursday, June 13, 2024

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