ZEBRA Reteams With Legendary Producer JACK DOUGLAS For First New Album In More Than Two Decades

January 10, 2025

ZEBRA, the legendary power trio consisting of lead guitarist/vocalist Randy Jackson, bassist/keyboardist Felix Hanemann and drummer Guy Gelso, will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year with the release of its long-awaited new studio album. This will be the band's first release of new material since "Zebra IV" in 2003.

"The record will feature a variety of songs," the 69-year-old Jackson told Newsday in December. "We got some stuff from 1977 we never recorded, songs I penned with other people and a bunch of tunes that I wrote recently. It's evolving as we're doing it."

ZEBRA's new album, which is being recorded at Jackson and Gelso's home studios, will feature 12 tracks helmed by producer Jack Douglas. A tentative June release is expected.

"We are looking forward to collaborating with Jack again," Jackson told Newsday. "This is the first time we worked on ZEBRA stuff since 1984 [Douglas produced the band's 1983 self-titled debut and 1984 sophomore effort, 'No Tellin' Lies']. We’re going to see what he's learned and what we've learned over the last 40 years."

In 2023, ZEBRA celebrated the 40th anniversary of its debut album by playing the entire album in order and continued doing some more of these special shows in new cities during its 2024 tour.

ZEBRA has also been working on a new documentary that will feature new interviews and performance clips from the recent tour "plus a lot more" about the band's history. The documentary, tentatively titled "Tell Me What You Want: 50 Years Of Zebra", will feature never-before-seen footage from the band's birth in Louisiana, to spreading new roots and reaching legendary status in Long Island, New York.

ZEBRA galloped out of New Orleans in early 1975. The trio, consisting of Jackson, Hanemann and Gelso, concocted their moniker from a 1926 Vogue magazine cover and soon won over the South and East Coast.

ZEBRA's self-titled debut album, released on March 21, 1983, went gold, and at that time was the fastest-selling debut album in Atlantic Records history, thanks to the radio and MTV airplay of "Tell Me What You Want" and "Who's Behind The Door?"

ZEBRA's live performances showcase all the band's classic tunes, and recently included the debut album in order for the first time.

In 2010 ZEBRA was inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall Of Fame and is acknowledged as Louisiana's No. 1 rock and roll band by the Louisiana Music Commission. On October 18, 2012 ZEBRA was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall Of Fame.

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