Worlds Torn Asunder

Century Media
rating icon 8 / 10

Track listing:

01. Living Weapon
02. Shattered Like Glass
03. Wake Up...Destroy
04. Future Ages Gone
05. Savagery
06. Treacherous Tongue
07. Echoes From The Void
08. Enemies of the State
09. Behind the Veils of Night (instrumental)
10. Demonic Ecstasy

Three albums in and WARBRINGER continues to show why they belong near the top of Thrash Mountain. All those streaks of mean and dispositions of nastiness that defined the fierce thrash of "Waking into Nightmares" are present on "Worlds Torn Asunder". The expectation has never been that WARBRINGER reinvents itself with every release; only that they progress within the boundaries of a style beloved for its old school sensibilities and modern muscle. That's exactly what these bringers of war have done with "Worlds Torn Asunder".

Whereas kindred spirits LAZARUS A.D. progressed from pure EXODUS-esque violence on "The Onslaught" by adding a substantial degree of accessibility (cleaner vocals and all) on "Black Rivers Flow" (and made it work),WARBRINGER pretty well stick to what got them to the dance in the first place: ballsy, rip-roarin' thrash with soloing sharp enough to slice steel. Don't believe it? Hang on to your hats and feast your ears on the big ole can of whup-ass revealed right from the start with openers "Living Weapon" and "Shattered Like Glass". Both roar with the kind of authority heard from the big cats and from that point forward the intensity remains high. Granted, the arrangements occasionally show more depth than the usual slash 'n' burner, as is the case with "Demonic Ecstasy", and in a major departure with kinder, gentler instrumental "Behind the Veils of Night". Otherwise, it's pedal to the metal, balls to the wall and fist to face, but that's not all. Aggression by itself has value, but not nearly as much as aggression wrapped around memorable songs. It's harder to achieve than one might think, which is one more reason to applaud what WARBRINGER has wrought with "Worlds Torn Asunder".

Crossing KREATOR with EXODUS is never a bad idea, at least when a measure of personality is involved and a band has got the songs and playing ability to back it up. On "Worlds Torn Asunder", WARBRINGER proves they've got more than enough of both to go around. Consistently good albums and a whole lot of road-doggin' is what WARBRINGER is all about and they deserve any and all accolades showered upon them. "Thrash til Death" is still applicable in 2011.

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