Report: SLIPKNOT Fans (a.k.a. Maggots) Take Manhattan

May 26, 2004 is reporting that as a demonstration of his dedication, 23-year-old Brandon of Lancaster, Pennsylvania bussed it more than 160 miles to New York to meet up with roughly two dozen like-minded fanatics for the second installment of the Maggot March, a promotional get-together organized by SLIPKNOT's street team to spread the word about the band's new album, "Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)". The first Maggot March took place two years ago, on the eve of the release of the "Disasterpieces" DVD.

Most of the crew — all wearing red SLIPKNOT T-shirts, some donning homemade horror masks to mimic those of their favorite members — claim their devotion stems from feeling like their own emotions are being expressed through frontman Corey Taylor's lyrics. As the group began its 15-block stampede from the Roadrunner Records offices to Pennsylvania Station, the lyrics from "Surfacing", a cut off SLIPKNOT's 1999 self-titled debut, were chanted like a mantra. Check out the photos here. Read more.

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