BEAST IN BLACK Releases New Song 'Power Of The Beast'

June 28, 2024

BEAST IN BLACK, the Helsinki, Finland-based metal group led by former BATTLE BEAST guitarist Anton Kabanen, is known for its dynamic blend of power metal, 1980s pop, and electronic music. Their critically acclaimed albums "Berserker", "From Hell With Love" and "Dark Connection" have solidified their global presence, along with notable tours and festival appearances. Their energetic live performances and unique sound have made them a standout act in the modern metal scene.

BEAST IN BLACK has just unleashed a new tune, along with a magnificent video, "Power Of The Beast". This electrifying, uptempo anthem captures the essence of BEAST IN BLACK's signature style, featuring powerful riffs, soaring vocals, and an unforgettable chorus that will have you singing along.

The video for "Power Of The Beast" was directed by Katri Koppanen, who has previously directed BEAST IN BLACK's stunning visuals for "Moonlight Rendezvous", "One Night In Tokyo" and "Hardcore".

Kabanen comments: "'Power Of The Beast' takes us one step further in showcasing our passion towards high-energy music, unstoppable beats, solid melodies, (synth)riffs and a meaningful message. It's dedicated to everyone who's in need of encouragement, motivation, determination and inner strength to aspire onward. The message of the song is like the unyielding attitude and empowering resolution of Guts, the protagonist from the manga 'Berserk'. That said, the lyrics are indeed a hybrid based off 'Berserk' and my own lifeview and experiences.

"With musical influences heavily permeated by the so-called Super Eurobeat, which I have absorbed through the years, I think it's fairly justified — but obviously with a tongue in cheek — to describe this song as Super Eurobeast! It's the first of its kind but we promise you it's definitely not gonna be the last!"

Music video director Katri Koppanen states about her inspiration for the video: "I began working on the music video script when only fragments of the lyrics were available, and Anton had just a few initial ideas about the song text. Even in the early stages, it was clear that the song's message was going to be empowering and energetic, which resonated with me, especially given how dark, chaotic, and overwhelming the world has become in recent years. Quite often, I catch myself missing the innocence of movies from the '80s and '90s, where bad guys always got what they deserved. Inspired by that, I wanted to create something fun based on my favorite movies from that era — something that leaves you in a good mood at the end."

Photo credit: Timo Isoaho

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