January 6, 2025

In a 2024 interview with "Dayna's Diner With Dayna Steele", legendary drummer Carmine Appice spoke about how musicians have gotten better at the focus and dexterity required to play rock music. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): " Some of the musicians today, the drummers today are like machines. They're unbelievable. They've taken what we laid the foundation of and just taken it to the extremes. I see drummers on Instagram and everything, they're just unbelievable. Nobody knows who they are. They're just amazing players.

"Guys like [MR. BIG's] Billy Sheehan — an amazing bass player — listened to [VANILLA FUDGE's] Tim Bogert," he continued. "It goes down the line. Tim Bogert listened to James Jamerson. And it goes down the line. There's guys that listened to Billy Sheehan that are better than Billy Sheehan."

Asked if there are any new artists that he would pay to see in concert right now, Carmine said: "I like — what was the name of that band? Oh, come on… PAPA ROACH. I went to see them with… I have neighbors up the street here. The kids are [a guitarist] and a drummer, and I helped the drummer kid out. And they were going to see PAPA ROACH and SHINEDOWN. They had they had an extra ticket They said, 'You wanna go?' I said, 'Sure.' They were all raving about SHINEDOWN. For me, I thought PAPA ROACH was awesome. So I actually downloaded some of their songs on iTunes."

Appice is the original drummer of VANILLA FUDGE, with whom he still records and performs today. He has also played with CACTUS and BECK, BOGERT & APPICE, in addition to spending stints in the bands of Ozzy Osbourne and Rod Stewart, co-writing the latter's No. 1 hit "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?"Carmine was named the 28th greatest drummer of all time by Rolling Stone magazine.

Appice is widely considered to be one of the most accomplished showmen in rock and is the recipient of numerous awards, including dozens of gold- and platinum-selling records. Carmine has broken new ground in every aspect of his career as a performer, as a teacher, and as a writer, and he continues to inspire drummers and listeners throughout the world with his originality and his unwavering dedication to the art of drumming.

Carmine's autobiography, "Stick It!: My Life Of Sex, Drums, And Rock 'N' Roll", was released in May 2016 by Chicago Review Press.

Under the moniker APPICE, Carmine and his brother Vinny released "Sinister", their first joint studio album, in October 2017 through SPV/Steamhammer.

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