CORROSION OF CONFORMITY's PEPPER KEENAN Featured In New Episode Of 'Metal Or Not?'

December 11, 2015

CORROSION OF CONFORMITY's Pepper Keenan recently shared with PureGrainAudio his thoughts on what's metal and what's not. Check out the clip below.

The four-piece version of CORROSION OF CONFORMITY — featuring Pepper Keenan on guitar and vocals — recently inked a deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment. The band will enter the studio late this winter/early spring with longtime producer John Custer. Custer has recorded such C.O.C. classics as "Deliverance", "Wiseblood", "America's Volume Dealer" and "In The Arms Of God". The as-yet-untitled-album will mark CORROSION OF CONFORMITY's studio reunion with Keenan and the Pepper-fronted version of C.O.C.'s first full-length record since 2005. A fall 2016 release is expected.

Guitarist Woody Weatherman told West Michigan's Revue about C.O.C.'s forthcoming album: "With our last record [with Pepper Keenan], [2005's] 'In The Arms Of God' — we want to pick up where that left off. We were on to something there, and then [Hurricane] Katrina happened [in New Orleans, where Keenan is based]. Then the band went on hiatus and we never picked it back up until 2010 when we started doing the three-piece stuff."

Weatherman believes "In The Arms Of God", which featured GALACTIC's Stanton Moore on drums, wasn't promoted properly. "We put a lot of effort into that and it took some doing to get it done," Weatherman said. "But I think it didn't get a fair shake. We got cut off from supporting it."

Keenan played his first full show with CORROSION OF CONFORMITY since 2006 on March 7 at Manchester Academy 2 in Manchester, England.

Speaking about the differences between writing music for CORROSION OF CONFORMITY and DOWN, Keenan told "Maximum Threshold": "The biggest difference with the C.O.C. stuff is that I'm singing, so my brain acts differently towards that writing songs for Phil [Anselmo, DOWN frontman] to sing. It's two different entities. I don't know how I split it in half, but I do it. I just go off the catalyst of what the last C.O.C. record was, which I thought was an extremely strong record. So we're just gonna shoot for that angle. And those guys have got a bunch of great riffs, and it's a different machine."

Keenan joined CORROSION OF CONFORMITY in 1990, but he did not become the band's lead singer until the recording of "Deliverance", which came out in 1994.