CRIMINAL Part Ways With Bassist
March 26, 2003CRIMINAL, the formerly Chile-based act who feature in their ranks former PENTAGRAM mainman Anton Reisenegger, ex-EXTREME NOISE TERROR drummer Zac O'Neil and former ENTWINED keyboardist Mark Royce, have parted ways with bassist Robin Eaglestone (ex-CRADLE OF FILTH). According to Robin, "My departure from CRIMINAL has been long overdue and I'm sorry to say that it has been far less than an amicable one. This is mainly due to my own failure to express my concerns about CRIMINAL's future and my participation in it directly to Anton before answering questions put directly to me by our drummer. Consequently, (the following day) when the remains of the of what used to be a tight unit came together to discuss (no doubt) what was going wrong, Anton wasn't given the chance to hear the bad news from the 'horse's mouth' — more a case of 'Chinese whispers' — which has now led to Anton regarding me with little respect, if at all any, and an e-mail saying words to the effect that my involvement is over. Meanwhile my plans to continue with projects outside of CRIMINAL, as always, are still on the boil."