DARK FUNERAL: Live Album Details Revealed

October 7, 2003

DARK FUNERAL guitarist Lord Ahriman has posted the following update on the band's official web site:

"It has been quite some time since DARK FUNERAL has released any official news. We might have been quiet but we sure haven't been inactive! After a successful gig at the Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany the first weekend of August, we headed down to South America for a tour through Brazil, Chile and Columbia. We have recently returned home and let me tell you, we are still high off the tremendously overwhelming response we got from all you crazy maniacs over there! Before we flew over for the tour, we had been told that the South American metal crowd was very energetic and dedicated, but we couldn't even have dreamed of getting such a massive response as we got. You guys fucking rule! These shows will indeed stay in our memory forever.

"We would like to apologize to the fans in Antofagasta (Chile). We know there were many of you who were expecting us there and we're really sorry that we never made it to you. We were really looking forward to playing there. We never got any explanation to why it was cancelled. We were only told it was cancelled and that there was nothing we could do about it. DARK FUNERAL would like to thank all of you crazy fuckers who came out to the shows, you were all amazing! A special debt of gratitude goes out to all of the local promoters and last but not least a special HAIL goes out to Carlos Aguilar & Alejandro of Blackshadows Tattoo, who hooked us up with some new ink while playing Chile.

"And now for a surprise — during the tour we had recorded a couple of the shows with plans to release it as a live album! We have been in the studio the past week with our live sound engineer Erik Lidbom, sifting through all the recorded material. There is so much good stuff we might even release two live albums! We are preparing now to start mixing the first one, which will include the following tracks:

01. The Arrival Of Satan's Empire
02. An Apprentice Of Satan
03. The Dawn No More Rises
04. Thy Legions Come
05. Hail Murder
06. Goddess Of Sodomy
07. The Secrets Of The Black Arts
08. Vobiscum Satanas
09. Shadows Over Transylvania
10. Open The Gates
11. Ineffable Kings Of Darkness
12. Thus I Have Spoken
14. My Dark Desires
15. Armageddon Finally Comes

"We hope to get this killer release out to the fans as soon as possible. If all goes as plan, a second live album will be released shortly after. More info on that to come...

"DARK FUNERAL has officially left the label MNW/No Fashion Records. It's yet not decided with what label we will work with on this live album(s). Once we're done with the mix we'll ship it out to various labels to shop for a distribution deal. Stay tuned for more info on this also.

"DARK FUNERAL are currently looking for high-resolution photos (300 DPI or higher) taken during our South American tour. We will need them for the CD booklet of the forthcoming live album(s). If you have some, please let us know via e-mail. We will then instruct you how to send us a CD-R with complete info on where they are taken and your personal information. Send inquiries to: [email protected]

"DARK FUNERAL has also been in the early stages of writing material for a new album. More news on this and our new guitarist, Chaq Mol, will follow in the months to come.

"Hail Metal. Hail Satan! Lord Ahriman, DARK FUNERAL"

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