DEF LEPPARD Drummer RICK ALLEN Assaulted Outside Fort Lauderdale Hotel

March 16, 2023

According to TMZ, DEF LEPPARD's Rick Allen was assaulted by a teenager in outside the Four Seasons hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Monday (March 13).

The 59-year-old drummer and his bandmates were in Florida to perform a co-headlining show with MÖTLEY CRÜE at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel And Casino over the weekend and he had gone outside the hotel to smoke a cigarette when he was violently attacked by a 19-year-old from Ohio.

Police say the suspect then ran toward Allen at full speed, striking him and knocking him backward and slamming his head on the ground and "causing injury."

The police report, which was obtained by TMZ, says a woman came out of the hotel to try to help Allen, but the suspect also knocked her to the ground.

The report said: "While she is on the ground, the defendant continues to batter her by striking her. [She] attempts to escape by running into the hotel. The defendant then grabs [her] by her hair and drags her out of the lobby and back onto the sidewalk before fleeing the area."

The suspect fled to another hotel nearby, but was ultimately arrested after he allegedly damaged numerous cars in a parking garage. The 19-year-old was booked for elder abuse, battery and criminal mischief. He was later released after posting bail.

The suspect was arrested and taken to Broward County Jail on Tuesday after being charged with two counts of battery, four counts of criminal mischief, and abusing an elderly or disabled adult.

He declined to comment when approached by Miami's 7 News WSVN and was asked, 'Are you a DEF LEPPARD fan?"

Allen, who lost his left arm in a car accident back in 1984, provided a sworn statement to police and told them that he wanted the suspect to be prosecuted.

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