Ex-DOKKEN Bassist JEFF PILSON To Perform One-Off Show With FOREIGNER

July 7, 2004

Former DOKKEN/DIO bassist Jeff Pilson is going to be performing one concert with FOREIGNER on July 25. "They called a few days ago to ask if I could play in the band for this show, and I must say I was thrilled and honored," Pilson writes on his web site. "It’s a charity event held in Santa Barbara at Fess Parkers Doubletree Resort. Not sure of the cause, but I'm really looking forward to this. FOREIGNER was a HUGE influence on me for both singing and songwriting, so I'm ecstatic! Jason Bonham is also in the band, so it will be a bit of a homecoming there as well! We start rehearsing next week — and I’m quite excited."

As previously reported, Pilson's band WAR & PEACE have been confirmed to appear at Z Rock 2004 on September 19 in Liverpool, England. The show, the group's first-ever appearance on a European stage, will be recorded for an upcoming live CD. Warm-up dates on the West Coast are tentatively scheduled to begin around Labor Day.

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