Former OZZY OSBOURNE And WHITESNAKE Members To Perform LED ZEPPELIN Classics In Las Vegas This Weekend
January 3, 2023THE MOBY DICKS, the LED ZEPPELIN cover band featuring drummer Brian Tichy (WHITESNAKE, FOREIGNER),vocalist Chas West (RESURRECTION KINGS, BONHAM, LYNCH MOB),bassist Phil Soussan (OZZY OSBOURNE, LAST IN LINE),guitarist Brent Woods and keyboardist Gregg Fox, will perform at Count's Vamp'd in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, January 6 and Saturday, January 7.
Tichy began his career at a very young age. After studying at The Berklee College Of Music, Tichy took his multitude of talents to both the studio and the road. Tichy is also the founder of "Bonzo Bash" and "Randy Rhoads Remembered". In 2010, Tichy organized the ultimate John Bonham tribute show which marked the 30th anniversary of Bonham's passing. The show was dubbed "Bonzo: The Groove Remains The Same" and it featured 28 of the top rock and roll drummers performing their favorite LED ZEPPELIN song on a replica John Bonham kit. Tichy is also an accomplished songwriter whose work has been featured in movies such as "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and "Balls Of Fury" as well as various television shows, including "CSI", "Law And Order", "The Osbournes" and "Punk'd".
In an interview with Classic Bands, Tichy stated about Bonham: "He's a huge influence and inspiration. He set a bar that hasn't been hit by anybody since. When we were growing up, we'd all hear he uses drumsticks the size of tree trunks. He hits harder than anybody. There's times when you can see him digging in, in a video. It certainly sounds like that on a lot of ZEPPELIN tracks. I don't want to say it couldn't be further from the truth, but I just don't think that's accurate at all. He had an amazing touch. He knew how to hit a drum. He knew how to tune a drum with larger-than-normal-size drums. I'd say he tuned them a certain way and hitting accurately to create a certain sound and make the drum set as one, sound like one big, full instrument. I just think he had a certain way of doing that. I don't think anybody's done that since that's made a drum set sound that monstrous. But you say that and you go listen to any of his drum solos or playing within a song, there's an insane amount of dynamics all the time. So, he had a great feel, a great touch and he was insanely dynamic. For example, when 'The Song Remains The Same' came out, when I first saw it as a kid, I guess in high school, I was expecting to see this drummer all night long smashing through the drum kit and I was surprised when that wasn't the case. But then I'm like, the drums just sound massive 'cause he knew what he was doing. Somebody had to do it, and it was John Bonham and I'm damn glad it was him because he was in the best band in the world, having a chance to play his style. Everything just worked in ZEPPELIN. His style worked with the other guys and what Jimmy [Page] was writing and just the delivery of the whole band. He's one of these guys, without him, if you replaced him with somebody, maybe they could have carried on to a certain extent, but he really just added a sound to the band that I think all of us musicians want. When we play our instruments, we want to sound like ourselves. And he did that in a big way."
This weekend at Count's Vamp'd in Las Vegas! Don't miss The Moby Dicks All-Star Tribute to Led Zeppelin playing both Friday & Saturday! All Zep All weekend! @BrianTichy@chasWest@philsoussan@brentwoodsmusic Gregg Fox #rockandroll#ledzeppelin#countsvampd@VampdVegaspic.twitter.com/7w2VAe77DA
— VampdVegas (@VampdVegas) January 3, 2023