Heavy Metal Fan Was Responsible For Worst School Shooting In U.S. Since Columbine
March 22, 2005The 17-year-old student who shot his way through his family and a tribal school in northwest Minnesota Monday (March 21),leaving 10 people dead, including himself, was described by a fellow student as a quiet boy who was into goth culture, listened to heavy metal music, wore "a big old black trench coat" and "talked about death all the time."
The Minneapolis Star Tribune named the suspect as Jeff Weise, a student or former student at the local high school on the Red Lake Indian reservation in remote northern Minnesota. Pat Mills, director of Red Lake's public safety department, said officers were not looking for any other suspects.
It was the worst school shooting in the U.S. since 15 people died in the Columbine massacre in 1999.
Read more at Guardian.co.uk.