Indian Rock Band Wins Chance To Open For IRON MAIDEN
February 13, 2007According to Cities.ExpressIndia.com, Delhi, India-based rock band FTN (F*** THE NAME) won the Hero Honda Campus Rock Idol in Pune on Sunday (Feb. 11) and will now perform the opening act for heavy metal band IRON MAIDEN in Bangalore on March 17.
At the third Campus Rock Idol, a national-level event, FTN competed against seven other bands. About 350 bands had performed at the preliminary levels. "We want to provide college bands a platform to perform on a professional level," says Venkat Wardhan, MD of DNA Networks, which organized the event.
The band, which for want of a name called itself F*** THE NAME and cleverly shortened it to FTN, was getting back to music after a year's break. And the boys are happy that they did. The boy band happened when five childhood friends got together after college hours. While three of the band members are undergraduates at Delhi University, the others are studying in the Indian Institute of Planning and Management and Infinity Business School. "After the classes, it was heavy nu metal," says Shivan, a student at the Infinity Business School during the day and vocalist of FTN at night when they rock to bands like PANTERA, SLIPKNOT, KORN and RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE.
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