KING'S X's DOUG 'DUG' PINNICK Shares 'Climbing Up The Mountain' Song From Upcoming 'Thingamajigger' Solo Album

October 4, 2024

Acclaimed KING'S X bassist, songwriter and co-vocalist Doug "dUg" Pinnick will release a new solo album, "Thingamajigger", on October 25 via Rat Pak Records. The LP features 11 brand new songs and follows his successful 2021 release "Joy Bomb".

From the opening chords of "Climbing Up the Mountain", which can be streamed below, it is clear that Pinnick's trademark tone lays the bedrock for his latest solo release "Thingamijigger". Doug tackles a wide array of emotions and topics with layered harmonies, hooky rhythmic sensibilities, and the total groove that remains a crucial ingredient to the KING'S X sound.

Pinnick states: "I wrote a new batch of songs, so it's time for another album! 'Thingamajigger' is my new offering to the universe. I hope it feels good in everyone's ear hole!"

The 74-year-old Doug proves that age is nothing to him and provides an album packed with the groove, swagger and soul that he has honed and perfected over his extensive career. Pinnick's ability to combine a multitude of his influences into one seamless offering is on full display. "Climbing Up The Mountain", "Let The Music Play", "The Valley", "Keep On Going" and "More Strings Attached" show why Doug is still one of the best at his craft, while "The Alarm", "Believe It" and "The One Thing" exemplify his ability to think outside the box and expand his range.

"Thingamajigger" track listing:

01. Climbing Up The Mountain
02. Keep On Going
03. More Strings Attached
04. Let The Music Play
05. Love Defines You
06. From The Now
07. The Alarm
08. The One Thing
09. The Valley
10. Working It Out
11. Believe It

For more information, visit

KING'S X released its 13th studio album, "Three Sides Of One", in September 2022. The LP was recorded during 2019 at Black Sound Studio in Pasadena, California with Emmy Award-winning producer Michael Parnin.

KING'S X was sidelined by several health scares in recent years, including Pinnick's two hernia operations and two near-fatal heart attacks suffered by drummer Jerry Gaskill.

In October 2019, KING'S X canceled all of its previously announced tour dates for the year so that Gaskill could undergo undisclosed heart "procedures."

2008's "XV" was KING'S X's highest-charting album since 1996's "Ear Candy".

In 2005, VH1 included KING'S X in its list of "100 Greatest Artists In Hard Rock.

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