MOTÖRHEAD Releases 'Ye Book Of Inconsequential Scribbles Of Lemmy Kilmister'

October 23, 2024

MOTÖRHEAD legend Lemmy was a proud doodler and writer, filling many journals over the years. He always hoped to see a collection of his unique insights into life get published, and so it is that MOTÖRHEAD is proud to announce the 500 hand-numbered, limited-edition release of "Ye Book Of Inconsequential Scribbles Of Lemmy Kilmister 1st Esq.", a highly anticipated collector's item, sold exclusively online. Showing some of Lemmy's finest doodles offers an unfiltered peek into the mind of a man whose view of the world was wryly humorous and timelessly prescient.

Each page is a tribute to Lemmy's unique ability to capture life and those who live it with his trademark unapologetic attitude and a wicked sense of humor. This limited-edition release both fulfils a wish he had to see these musings in print, as well as celebrating the true essence of one of rock's most influential figures.

"Ye Book Of Inconsequential Scribbles" is available on pre-order starting October 23 on the official MOTÖRHEADwebstore. Act fast and grab your copy while supplies last.

Lemmy died on December 28, 2015 at the age of 70 shortly after learning he had been diagnosed with cancer.

MOTÖRHEAD had to cancel a number of shows in 2015 because of Lemmy's poor health, although the band did manage to complete the aforementioned European tour a couple of weeks before his death.

In June 2020, it was announced that Lemmy would get the biopic treatment. The upcoming film, "Lemmy", will be directed by Greg Olliver, who previously helmed the 2010 documentary of the same name, "Lemmy".

A custom-made urn containing Lemmy's ashes is on permanent display in a columbarium at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood, California.

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