SICK OF IT ALL Frontman LOU KOLLER Diagnosed With Esophageal Tumor; European Tour Canceled

June 28, 2024

New York hardcore legends SICK OF IT ALL have canceled their summer European tour after vocalist Lou Koller was diagnosed with an esophageal tumor.

Koller broke the news of his diagnosis earlier today (Friday, June 28) in a video message posted on social media. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET):  "What's up, everybody? Lou here. As you may or may not know, we had to cancel our full European tour this summer. There's some rumors going around as to why, and we're here to set the record straight. But we wanted to wait till we got all the information before making an announcement.

"The reason it's canceled is because they found a tumor in my esophagus that goes into my stomach, and I'll have to be getting treatment all summer — and of course, with full support of the band. As soon as they heard it, they were, like, 'Forget the tour. Just get healthy.' And we're not happy about it, seriously. But, like I said, they're all behind me staying home and us staying home. We really feel sorry. I feel sorry for the fans. All of our crew was banking on the [fact that] we were all gonna have another fun summer together and all the promoters, but everyone who knows has been very supportive. And now everybody knows. So that's the reason. No other reason you heard is the truth. This is the truth.

"So, yeah, just thanks for all your support and I'll hopefully beat this thing and see you at the end of the summer. Or maybe the winter. [Laughs] Take care."

SICK OF IT ALL's latest album, "Wake The Sleeping Dragon!", was released in November 2018 via Century Media. The follow-up to 2014's "The Last Act Of Defiance" was produced by Jerry Farley (EVERY TIME I DIE, DEMON HUNTER) over a two-and-a-half-week period at Nova Studios in Staten Island, New York and was mixed and mastered by Tue Madsen (MESHUGGAH, THE HAUNTED, MADBALL). The cover artwork was created by Ernie Parada.

"Wake The Sleeping Dragon!" featured guest appearances by RISE AGAINST vocalist/guitarist Tim McIlrath and HOT WATER MUSIC frontman Chuck Ragan.

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