STEVE VAI Announces Next Installment Of His Yearly Electric Guitar Tuition Camp, 'Vai Academy 7.0'

July 27, 2023

Steve Vai will host the next installment of his yearly electric guitar tuition camp — Vai Academy 7.0 — on January 2-5, 2024 in Orlando, Florida.

Vai Academy 7.0 is a four-day event for players and music lovers of all ages, levels, interests and tastes. Whether you are a master player, a beginner or just an enthusiastic fan, Vai Academy's four-day programs offer activities and workshops for you. Vai Academy's environment is non-competitive and is strictly about immersing oneself in the joys of music and our lovely surroundings.

Vai says in a statement: "Hello again friends, and welcome to Vai Academy 7.0! Yup, we are doing it.

"I am absolutely thrilled to announce that this year's event is all about celebrating the young, cutting-edge guitarists who are pushing the boundaries and reinventing the instrument today.

"I have a ton of respect by this new generation of players and am fascinated by their talent, technique, and creativity. It's inspiring to witness the incredible potential and innovative spirit that these young guitarists possess.

"Joining us at Vai Academy 7.0 will be an extraordinary group of talent, each bringing their unique flavor to the stage. Amongst the many players from all over the planet we will have Marcin, Mohini Dey, Tim Henson and Scott Lepage, Matteo Mancuso, Mateus Asato, Yvette Young, Sarah Longfield, Ichika Nito, and Daniele Gottardo. And of course, I will be there with my band.

"At Vai Academy, we believe in nurturing creativity, fostering growth, and empowering the next generation of guitarists. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn directly from these trailblazers as they share their insights, techniques, and experiences. Throughout the event, you will have the chance to attend workshops, masterclasses, and jam sessions led by these exceptional musicians. Dive deep into their distinctive playing styles, expand your musical horizons, discover new ways to express yourself on the guitar, and find your note! Join us for an unforgettable experience that will leave you energized, motivated, and ready to explore the limitless possibilities of the instrument. And as our Vai Academy tradition dictates, you and I will jam!

"Don't miss out on this extraordinary gathering of musical talent. Mark your calendars and secure your spot at Vai Academy 7.0, where the future of guitar playing begins."

For more information, visit

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