January 23, 2010

THE 11TH HOUR — the doom metal collaboration between Ed Warby (drums, guitar, bass, vocals, programming; GOREFEST, DEMIURG, HAIL OF BULLETS) and Rogga Johansson (vocals, additional guitar; RIBSPREADER, PAGANIZER, DEMIURG) — has announced the addition of bassist Daniël Huijben (CIRRHA NIVA) to the group's ranks. Warby states, "Musically it's quite a departure for him, but he fits right in and really enjoy[s] pounding out the monolithic grooves of the 'Burden Of Grief' [THE 11TH HOUR's debut album] material.

"We have a few more rehearsals planned before [Daniël's] first show, which will be at the Turock club in Essen [Germany] on March 6 as special guests of the mighty ASPHYX."

Upcoming THE 11TH HOUR shows:

Mar. 06 - Turock - Essen, Germany
Apr. 09 - Doom Shall Rise VII - Göppingen, Germany
Jul. 31 - Stonehenge - Steenwijk, Holland

"Burden Of Grief" was released last October via Napalm Records.

Check out the cover artwork below.

According to the band's official bio, THE 11TH HOUR is "the wretched spawn of two kindred spirits' love for good old fashioned doom metal. In 2007 Ed and Rogga met on the Global Domination forums and made plans to do a doom project together. These plans were sidetracked when Ed joined Rogga's DEMIURG instead, but the seed was planted and every once in a while a nasty doom riff would find its way to Ed's fingers during one of his nocturnal writing and recording sessions. Slowly but surely these riffs were sculpted into six slabs of unbearable heaviness, as bleak and terrifying as the night that inspired them yet suffused with sadness and melancholy beauty."

For more information, visit the band's MySpace page.

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