THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA Announces Spring 2025 Tour, BLABBERMOUTH.NET Presale

December 10, 2024

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA will return to the road this spring. The "Metalcore Spring Break" tour will kick off April 17 in Wichita, Kansas and run through May 14 in Charleston, South Carolina. ERRA, KINGDOM OF GIANTS and ACRES will serve as support. THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA will also appear at Sonic Temple and Welcome To Rockville festivals along the way.

A special BLABBERMOUTH.NET presale for the U.S. leg will begin on Wednesday, December 11 at 2:00 p.m. and end on Thursday, December 12 at 10:00 p.m. local time. When prompted, type in the presale code "BBMMETALCORE" using the ticketing links below to access tickets before the general public. General on-sale will be Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m. local time.

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA have also dropped the acoustic version of their biggest streaming hit single "Chemical". The stripped down version further demonstrates the song's heft. The accompanying video pays tribute to the fans and the community that TDWP has fostered and that has connected with the track on a deeply personal level.

"To mark five incredible years of 'Chemical' and its impact on both our band and fans, we’ve recorded a special stripped-down version that lays bare the raw emotion and meaning behind the song," the band states. "Playing it every night on the 'Eternal' tour has been one of the most powerful moments of the show, and we wanted to share this intimate version with fans around the world. Thanks for listening, it's only 'Chemical'."

Regarding the tour, TDWP says: "We're beyond excited to announce 'Metalcore Spring Break'! This tour is going to be a full-blown celebration of metalcore gone wild, featuring awesome performances from ERRA, KINGDOM OF GIANTS and ACRES. It's going to be massive energy, insane production, and a setlist with all the hits and some surprises you won't want to miss. We're pulling out all the stops to make this a show you will NEVER forget — it's party time!"


April 17 - Wichita, KS - Temple Live (buy tickets)
April 18 - Des Moines, IA - Val Air Ballroom (buy tickets)
April 19 - Fargo, ND - Sanctuary Events Center (buy tickets)
April 20 - Winnipeg, MB - Park Theatre (buy tickets)
April 22 - Edmonton, AB - Midway (buy tickets)
April 23 - Calgary, AB - The Palace Theater (buy tickets)
April 25 - Vancouver, BC - Commodore Ballroom (buy tickets)
April 26 - Seattle, WA - Showbox SoDo (buy tickets)
April 27 - Eugene, OR - McDonald Theatre (buy tickets)
April 29 - Great Falls, MT - The Newberry (buy tickets)
April 30 - Billings, MT - Pub Station (buy tickets)
May 02 - Lincoln, NE - Bourbon Theatre (buy tickets)
May 03 - Davenport, IA - Capitol Theater (buy tickets)
May 04 - Springfield, MO - The Regency (buy tickets)
May 06 - Oklahoma City, OK - Diamond Ballroom (buy tickets)
May 07 - Little Rock, AR - The Hall (buy tickets)
May 08 - Huntsville, AL - Mars Music Hall (buy tickets)
May 09 - St Louis, MO - The Pageant (buy tickets)
May 10 - Columbus, OH - Sonic Temple*
May 13 - Knoxville, TN - The Mill & Mine (buy tickets)
May 14 - Charleston, SC - Charleston Music Hall (buy tickets)
May 16 - Daytona Beach, FL - Welcome To Rockville*

* Festival date

In a recent interview with Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire", THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA's Jeremy DePoyster (vocals, guitar) was asked if he and his bandmates are working on material for the follow-up to 2022's "Color Decay" album. He responded: "We are, definitely. I mean, it's been about two years since we put ['Color Decay'] out. But we've been working on that record for a couple years since before then. We're really busy, like too busy. We've kind of spent every single moment that we're not on tour going out to California and renting some studios and writing a bunch of stuff. So we're sitting on a big pile of stuff. But we will definitely not put anything out until next year. I didn't really wanna cloud up the set with trying to put out a new song and stuff. But I would say this [fall 2024 North American] tour and our European tour coming up [in February 2025] are probably the tail end of the 'Color Decay' era. And then we're gonna push forward from there."

Asked if THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA still believes in "the album philosophy" as opposed to focusing on singles, Jeremy said: "Oh my gosh, yeah. Dude, I'm old school, man. I still like records. [Laughs]"

He added: "You know what? A couple of years ago, I had a bunch of people telling me the record is dead. It's all about singles now. It's all about short form. And then a bunch of my friends in other bands just kept putting out records and we kept putting out records. And I'm, like, I don't think the suits really know what's going on. I think the fans and the bands definitely know what's going on. And I think people just, especially with physical media and putting an LP on and listening to it, there's just something about just from start to finish, a really well-curated track listing, and that sets the vibe that I don't think we'll ever go away from."

Asked if there is any sort of theme or direction for the new material that he and his bandmates have been working on so far, Jeremy said: "I think we all, particularly Mike [Hranica, vocals] and myself, and Jon [Jonathan Gering], our keyboard player, that we write all the lyrics, and I think we all were, like, 'Man, I'm in a really good headspace. My life's really good. I'm feeling great. We've had a lot of great tours. My relationship's awesome.' And then we started writing, and it was, like, 'Oh, man. This is so depressing and so soul crushing.' And so I think there's just these little demons lurking in there that come out when you put the pen down and you're, like, 'Oh, I didn't even know that was in there.' … I think sonically, maybe I want it a little more upbeat, but it's kind of like a pop song that just destroys your life type of thing — with some breakdowns. You can't get away from the breakdowns."

"Color Decay" followed 2019's "The Act". As Revolver stated when selecting the record as one of the "50 Most Anticipated Albums Of 2022," "THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA have proven time and time again that it's possible to never stop sonically experimenting — with screamo, with spoken word, with atmospheric electronica, with sludge — and never lose their own crushing identity. Anticipating their next successful risk is one of the things that makes being a TDWP fan so rewarding."

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA have been consistently delivering since forming in 2005. Fans voted 2009's seminal "With Roots Above And Branches Below" one of the "5 Greatest Metalcore Albums" in a Revolver poll, with the magazine christening it "a true metalcore landmark." The group has notched six consecutive Top 5 debuts on the Billboard Top Hard Rock Albums chart, including "Dead Throne" (2011),"8:18" (2013),"Space" EP (2015),"Transit Blues" (2016),"The Act" (2019) and "ZII" EP (2021). The latter served as a sequel to one of their most beloved projects — 2010's "Zombie" EP. In the wake of the EP, the group exceeded a quarter of a billion cumulative streams and views. During 2021, the musicians decamped to remote hideaways together in Wisconsin and Desert Hot Springs, California. This time around, keyboardist/programmer Jonathan Gering took the reins as producer, collaborating closely to assemble a rich sonic architecture for what would become "Color Decay".

Photo credit: Imani Givertz

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