THIN LIZZY Interviewed On CHOM-FM's 'The Metal File'

November 26, 2011

THIN LIZZY guitarists Scott Gorham and Damon Johnson were interviewed for the latest edition of "The Metal File" podcast from Montreal's CHOM-FM. You can now stream the chat using the audio player below.

Interview (audio):

For more than forty years, THIN LIZZY has been delivering its brand of rock 'n' roll to audiences all over the world. Even with the untimely passing of legendary frontman Phil Lynott twenty-five years ago, the band has continued on. Over the years, many rock luminaries have graced the ranks of THIN LIZZY, including the likes of Brian Robertson, Snowy White and the late Gary Moore. Most recently, DEF LEPPARD's resident guitar wizard Vivian Campbell joined the band for their 2011 European tour. When DEF LEPPARD called Vivian back to their camp, GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Richard Fortus joined the boys on their European festival run this past summer. Continuing on in the tradition of top-notch performers, the members of THIN LIZZY have announced that veteran guitar player Damon Johnson has joined their ranks as a permanent member.

Damon's pedigree is impressive, having first gained notoriety with his own band, BROTHER CANE in the '90s. For the past six years, Damon has lent his skills to veteran rocker Alice Cooper, helping the master showman deliver his legendary show to fans all over the world. But when GUNS N' ROSES called Richard Fortus back for tour dates this fall, THIN LIZZY knew there was only one man that they wanted to replace Richard's formidable talents.

When the metal masters JUDAS PRIEST asked THIN LIZZY to join them on their North American "Epitaph" tour, Damon was a natural choice to fill Richard's spot. The chemistry with Damon has been incredible. He has fit in so well that the band decided to ask him to join the band permanently.

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