THRASH AGAINST CANCER Benefit Concert A Success

July 14, 2005

Over 700 metal fans turned out for the Thrash Against Cancer benefit on July 9 at the Pound amphitheatre in San Francisco. The original lineup of TESTAMENT headlined the event, which featured additional appearances by VICIOUS RUMORS, LAAZ ROCKIT, HIRAX, AGENT STEEL, DEKAPITATOR, MUDFACE, NEIL TURBIN'S DEATHRIDERS (featuring original ANTHRAX vocalist Neil Turbin),DREAMS OF DAMNATION (featuring former DARK ANGEL guitarist Jim Durkin),BROCAS HELM, IMAGIKA, KAOS, RIGHTEOUS SIRE, ANGER AS ART (featuring ABBATOIR mainman Steve Gaines),along with tribute bands HANGAR 18 (playing MEGADETH covers) and HOT FOR TEACHER (VAN HALEN cover band featuring former MACHINE HEAD/TESTAMENT drummer Chris Kontos and current HEATHEN touring guitarist Terry Lauderdale). Keith Regan, whose family is one of the recipients of the proceeds from the show, was extremely pleased with how the event turned out. "The crew from Thrash Against Cancer deserves the utmost respect and praise from my family and everyone who decided to attend the show," Regan said. "They were instrumental in every aspect of the behind the scenes and made the day go as smooth as it could be. The show it self was incredible! All the people that approached us had nothing but high praise to say about every band!" Regan is looking into organizing another Thrash Against Cancer show next year, possibly involving different genres of music, in order to raise money for families with children who have pediatric cancer.

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