May 20, 2009

Oslo, Norway-based thrash metallers FORGERY have inked a deal with Candlelight Records/Nocturnal Art Productions.

FORGERY is a four-piece band playing hard, fast and uncompromising thrash metal. The band was originally formed in the summer of 1990, but went into hiatus in the mid-Nineties, after a couple of demo releases.

Resurfacing with a new drummer, Karl Jonny Lervg (ex-PARADIGMA),in 2002, they went back to the drawing board to come up with an even harder and more uncompromising style, featuring the honest aggression and brutality of the legendary Bay Area bands with a more up-to-date sound and incorporating more diverse musical influences.

Armed with new material, FORGERY recruited a second guitarist, Ronny Hansen (ex-ENTHRAL) in 2004, and has since been concentrating on writing and recording new material, as well as tearing up the live scene in Norway, both on their own and on festivals like Inferno.

In the summer of 2006, FORGERY recorded its first ever full-length album, entitled "Core", at Strand Studio. In 2006/2007, KJ decided to leave the band due to personal reasons. In the search for a new drummer, FORGERY ended up with Jan Roger Halvorsen (ex-OLD MAN'S CHILD, drums on ROTTING CHRIST's album "Khronos", session drummer for ZENSOR, 54). His impressive playing gave the band excellent opportunities in the making of new material.

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