LIMP BIZKIT To Include Fan Bootleg Recording On Upcoming Live Album

November 3, 2003

LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"What up people!! It's FD here. Just left rehearsal and we are doing a sick cover of one of my favorite artists on the Back2Basics tour. I would like one of you to be sure to get the best bootleg of it as possible!! I would like to put out a bootleg version of our performance in a live album and give whoever gets the best recording a producer credit on the album. It will probably say 'Brought to you by...'

"And on the other end of things, I am gearing up for our next release. It's gonna be a heavy one. Now that everyone has had a few minutes to live with ['Results May Vary'] we think we can unleash a real single. It's time to put our hearts where your eyes and ears are!! There is one thing we are sure of and that is that LIMP BIZKIT is a real fucking rock band! Like or leave it. It's time to show you what you've obviously forgotten!!! Get your ass out to the Back2Basics tour. The first show is in Vegas and I am stoked!! Vegas crowds are so fucking dope!!!! See ya there. If not watch your back!!"

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