Longtime MADBALL Bassist JORGE 'HOYA ROC' GUERRA Announces His Departure

August 8, 2023

Longtime MADBALL bassist Jorge "Hoya Roc" Guerra has announced his departure from the veteran New York hardcore band.

Hoya, who joined MADBALL in 1993, broke the news of his exit in a social media post earlier today (Tuesday, August 8). He wrote: "Wasup everybody I have a little announcement .I am no longer playing bass in MADBALL . There is NO beef or anything like that and I wish them the best moving forward and always with luv .

"Thanks to everybody who supported me through the years !! I love you all !!!! My family is better then ever.

"And your boy is NOT done yet , if anything I'm only getting started !!!

"Look out for my channel SmokinWordTV and keep those ears open for alot new music drops everywhere !! Always with mad luv ā€¦.. and now to the next episode".

MADBALL has yet to comment on Guerra's departure or announce his replacement.

MADBALL originated in the late 1980s, as a side project of AGNOSTIC FRONT. The band developed after AGNOSTIC FRONT frontman Roger Miret would let his younger half-brother, Freddy Cricien, take the microphone and perform lead vocals during AGNOSTIC FRONT shows.

MADBALL's latest album, "For The Cause", was released in June 2018 via Nuclear Blast. The record was mixed and mastered by renowned producer Tue Madsen at Antfarm Studios in Denmark. It was co-produced by Tim Armstrong (RANCID),who is also featured on the album.

Wasup everybody I have a little announcement .
I am no longer playing bass in Madball . There is NO beef or anything like that and I wish them the best moving forward and always with luv .
Thanks to everybody who supported me through the years !! I love you all !!!! My family is better then ever
and your boy is NOT done yet , if anything Iā€™m only getting started !!!
Look out for my channel SmokinWordTV and keep those ears open for alot new music drops everywhere !! Always with mad luv ā€¦.. and now to the next episode šŸ˜œ ..

Hoya Roc

Posted by Hoya Roc on Tuesday, August 8, 2023

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