OPETH Schedules 'Record Store Day' Signing, Acoustic Performance

April 15, 2013

Swedish progressive metallers OPETH will celebrate "Record Store Day" with a free acoustic performance and signing on April 20 at 3:00 p.m at Newbury Comics in Leominster, Massachusetts.

Newbury Comics
31 Sack Blvd.
Leominster, MA
(978) 537-9517

Founded in 2007 and officially kicked off in 2008 by METALLICA, Record Store Day takes place on the third Saturday of every April and brings together artists and independently owned record stores around the world to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and sold in independent stores.

For a list of participating retail outlets, visit www.recordstoreday.com.

OPETH will return to North America in support of their most recent studio album, "Heritage". Released September 20, 2011, it garnered rave reviews from everyone from Rolling Stone, who called the album "a career record that reimagines prog as actual rock 'n' roll," to Pitchfork saying "a pretty, well-thought-out collection" to NPR who called it "equally vast, thoughtful and heavy." The tour will kick off on April 18 in Buffalo and will take the band throughout North America on a 30-plus-city tour. KATATONIA has been confirmed as direct support for the tour.

There will be several dates of note during OPETH's North American run. On April 20, OPETH will be making a stop to headline alongside ANTHRAX, HATEBREED and SUICIDAL TENDENCIES at the New England Metal & Hardcore Festival. The April 28 show in Clifton Park, New York will see OPETH mainman Mikael Ã…kerfeldt's STORM CORROSION collaborator and friend Steven Wilson of PORCUPINE TREE join OPETH for a special evening that is not to be missed. There will also be two rare and intimate evenings with OPETH planned for Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn on April 29 and The Roxy in West Hollywood on May 24. These shows will allow fans the unique opportunity to experience OPETH like never before.

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