SENTINEL BEAST At Germany's KEEP IT TRUE Festival; Video Posted Online

April 28, 2008

Fan-filmed video footage of the reactivated '80s Sacramento, California thrash band SENTINEL BEAST performing its signature song, "Sentinel Best", on April 4, 2008 at the Keep It True X festival in Lauda-Knigshofen, Germany can be viewed below (courtesy of "stoneagelightning").

SENTINEL BEAST was formed in Sacramento in 1984 by Debbie Gunn, Mike Spencer (bass),and Scott Awes (drums). During this time, the axes were played by Greg Williams and Jerry Fraiser, later to be replaced by Barry Fischel and Mark Koyasako. Discovered by Kerry King of SLAYER, the band recorded and released the influential "Depths of Death" album, on Metal Blade Records, in 1986 and the band later went on to open shows for the likes of SLAYER, EXODUS, MEGADETH, MERCYFUL FATE, KING DIAMOND, and others. The band broke up and Debbie Gunn departed for Chicago shortly after to front ZNOWHITE, then relocated to Europe to join the all-female thrash pioneers, ICE AGE.

SENTINEL BEAST has returned with the belting vocals of Debbie Gunn, Kenny Eckhart and Dana Lindstrom on guitars, Nic Atomica X on bass, and the fresh drum attacks of Scott Fuller.

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