SHINING Mainman: 'We Don't Need Mindless Idiots Listening To Our Music'

October 2, 2008

Swedish black metallers SHINING have issued the following update:

"SHINING's sixth studio album, 'VI / Klagopsalmer', has now been mixed and mastered and has been sent to Osmose Productions, who will shortly be unleashing its menace into the world.

"SHINING have signed an endorsement deal with swedish company Odium Clothing.

"We have finally found ourselves a permanent bassist to replace Phil A. Cirone who left the band earlier this year. Larsen [see photo below] is a young, but extremely motivated musician from Halmstad, and we hope to have him with us longer than we had Phil. Since Larsen joined us in time for the recording, King Ov Hell [GORGOROTH] did not take part in the new album, but we are grateful to him for stepping forward in our time of need to help us out.

"On that note, when we announced King's involvement with SHINING, it seemed to have pissed off a lot of people because of the recent media hysteria surrounding GORGOROTH. Niklas Kvarforth would like to send a personal message to all those who didn't like that decision: 'Go fuck yourselves, because no one tells SHINING what to do, and if you don't like that, then go listen to something else, because we don't need mindless idiots listening to our music.'"

SHINING and Italy's FORGOTTEN TOMB are the first two confirmed bands for the Firebox Metal Fest, set to take place April 17-18, 2009 at Rytmikorjaamo in Seinäjoki, Finland. A total of 20 death/black/doom/gothic bands will take part in the event, six of them Finnish and the rest of them from other parts of the world.

For more information, visit

"VI / Klagopsalmer", was recorded at The Slaughterhouse studios with producer Rickard Bengtsson.

"VI / Klagopsalmer" track listing:

01. Vilseledda Barnasjälars Hemvist
02. Plågoande O'Helga Plågoande
03. Krossade Drömmar Och Brutna Löften
04. Fullständigt Jävla Död Inuti
05. Ohm - Skoj Att Leva
06. Total Utfrysning

The group's last CD, "V - Halmstad", was released in North America on June 26, 2007 via Osmose USA/The End Records.

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