IRON MAIDEN On Brazilian TV; Video Available

March 11, 2008

IRON MAIDEN was the main subject of two major Brazilian TV programs in early March: "Fantastico", the most watched TV show in Brazil with 35 million viewers, and "Jornal da Globo", with 10 million. In addition, Globo Sports screened an IRON MAIDEN special report andMTV Brazil transmitted two specials on the band, making an incredible total of 60 million people being introduced to MAIDEN's breathtaking transglobal "Somewhere Back In Time World Tour". Both programs trailered MAIDEN from the start of the show and closed with extensive footage of the band live and in interviews and of their 757 Ed Force One, putting the spectacular world of metal and MAIDEN right up there with the likes of THE ROLLING STONES and U2.

Watch the "Fantastico" and "Jornal da Globo" segments featuring IRON MAIDEN below.


"Jornal da Globo":

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